I have to be careful where I walk these days. Various birds have nests on the ground and in the trees. I don't want to frighten them, but usually I'm more startled than they are. I always like to know where the nests are so I don't accidently step in them. In mid-afternoon, they sometimes leave their nests for a while while the sun keeps their eggs warm and it's a good time to sneak up and snap a few pictures. I am not a bird photographer, and I don't have the long lenses that wildlife photographers use, but it's fun to try a few shots, especially when these beautiful creatures are right under my nose.
2 ducks have built their nests in the yard.
One has built her nest in a juniper patch about 20 feet from my front door...
...while the other has built her nest in the long grass at the edge of the yard. I knew it was there, and I didn't want to get too close, but I really had to hunt to find it because it's very well hidden.
A killdeer has built her nest in my vegetable garden. These eggs are laid in an open nest, right on the ground.
I hope the eggs hatch soon, because anytime I come anywhere close to the garden she gets very loud, and runs around pretending to have a broken wing. She thinks I'm a predator and she's trying to get my attention away from the nest.
And then there's a sweet little robin with her nest in a tree in the middle of the yard, who is so used to me that she usually doesn't stir from her nest - but she keeps a wary eye out all the same.
Far from the city's dust and heat,
I get but sound and odors sweet.
Who can wonder I love to stay,
Week after week, here hidden away,
In this sly nook that I love the best--
This little brown house like a ground bird's nest?
Ella Wheeler Wilcox