Monday 1 September 2014

An unexpected road trip

Photography Challenge Week 35: Unexpected

The best thing about this holiday Monday was I got to go on an unexpected road trip.  I was reminded of an article I read in the Feb/Mar 2011 issue of Photolife magazine, Shoot Anyway, by Paul Hartly on how to have fun while in the passenger seat.  It involved shooting out of the window, using the highest number aperture possible, as low an ISO as possible, and turning on auto-tracking.  The idea was that the resulting slow shutter speed would yield some interesting abstracts.  So, I gave it a try and had a great time.  These are a few of my favourites.

A row of trees.

I don't remember what exactly I was shooting, I just like the feeling of movement in the resulting image.

A tractor.

"You have to take risks.  We will only understand the miracle of life fully when we allow the unexpected to happen."
Paul Coelho


  1. Fun shots! They definitely show motion :)

  2. Amazing pictures... makes me think of paintings!
    (also like the quote by Paul Coelho)
