Saturday 30 August 2014

Looks can be deceiving

Photography Challenge Week 34:  Tricky

I decided for this week to try to use the camera alone to capture "tricky" rather than apply an effect in photoshop.  It's too lovely outside and I decided I'll wait until winter to try to better my editing skills.  After much thought I decided to photograph "a jungle" in my back yard by setting the camera on the dirt in my flower bed and shooting up.  I am again incredibly thankful for the flipscreen on the back of my camera.  These are my favourites.   I must admit my imagination was running wild. 

Let's follow the path to see where it leads.

What's that up ahead - a wall from an ancient civilization?

We have to find a path through the rocks to te base of the wall.

"A brave heart and a courteous tongue.  They shall carry thee far through the jungle, manling."
Rudyard Kipling

1 comment:

  1. I totally loved your viewpoint in these images.
